Παρασκευή 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

"Desperate people, do desperate things, and I am deeply fearful for what will happen in Greece if we continue with this mad course."

"Desperate people, do desperate things, and I am deeply fearful for what will happen in Greece if we continue with this mad course."

I am grateful to Mr Farage for daring to say his mind. It is all worth it because this video now is going around the world. There words can never be erased or deleted. Even if he had to leave the conference room. Who cares that they threatened to throw him out? Truth has been heard!

We Greeks are living in a strange political status, where we are not even allowed to exercise our most fundamental right... to VOTE!

Its now February and there are still no plans for the elections! Why? What are they afraid? The wrath of the people!!

It is really surprising the fact that none else apart from Mr Farage is fearful for what will happen in Greece. Because we all see it.. they are forcing us to re-act and this re-action will be destructive for everyone. There IS going to be a reaction, and it will be huge. The case is that they don't care, because it is not their country, we are just numbers and not people, and whether there is going to be war in Greece or not is nobody's concern, neither of Germany nor of any other country that wishes to impose upon us the way we will live...

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